Kristin joined Doerr Dallas Valuations as an Office Administrator in March 2022.
After obtaining a Master’s degree in International Marketing from King’s College London in 2015, Kristin has continued to develop her skills in the customer service, knowledge management and education sectors.
Based in the Surrey office, she will be supporting administrative functions and providing support to Rachel and the team.
Learn more about Kristin:
What’s the most unusual or rare item you’ve ever come across?
I was completely shocked to see an invisible sculpture while putting together a valuation. I confirmed with our contemporary art specialist that invisible art is in fact real and can be valuable…
Which era of history fascinates you the most, and why?
History in general has always fascinated me and I’ve loved imaging myself during various times through history. If I had to choose, I really enjoy learning about ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt because I’m find it amazing to see how they lived without modern conveniences and what were the ancient equivalents; what was their daily life like, how did they move, live and work. When visiting the remaining ruins to this day, it really brings my imagination to life!
If you could travel back in time to witness the creation of any historical artefact, what would it be?
If I could travel back in time, I’d want to observe the making of the Terracotta Army and discover more about the mysteries that surround these objects.
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