Business in Lockdown II

Rachel Doerr, Managing Director

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As we are now in lockdown again, I wanted to let you know that following the government guidelines during November, our specialist valuers will be able to continue to visit clients in their home to carry out our valuations of their art, antiques, jewellery, watches, cars and any other personal possessions.

Most importantly, we will of course be complying with all the government guidelines. These include social distancing requirements and we will be discussing with each client how the appraisal will be done and how these regulations can be complied with.  As long as clients are happy to have us in their home during this time.  I am pleased to say most clients at the moment do appear to be happy but we are ensuring everyone stays safe during this time.

Our valuers will be wearing gloves and masks as appropriate and we will continue to carry out our own Covid-19 PCR Testing (Polymerase Chain Reaction) on our team going forward to reassure clients as to their safety.  

We hope that we can count on you for support during this time and that you will feel able to advise your clients that we are ready, willing and able to assist with all their valuation needs. We are also offering online valuations if possible, so please do give us a call to discuss.
Rachel Doerr
Managing Director
Mobile: 07876653602
Office: 01883 722736
[email protected]
London Office
Savoy Hill House, Savoy Hill, London, WC2R OBU
Southern Office
42 Station Road East, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0PG
Midlands Office
The Wharf, 16 Bridge Street, Birmingham

Doerr Dallas Valuations
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Posted in Miscellaneous Articles, Rachel Doerr News.